How to start with digital marketing? – A guide for Beginners.

How to start with digital marketing?

a guide for Beginners.

Congratulations on your new job and welcome to the beautiful community at digital marketing!

So now that documents have been submitted, induction has been done and you have got your own system, the next question that is probably spinning in your head is “Where do I begin? “.

If that is the case, then please do not google “How to do digital marketing?”

This is a mistake as you will be exposed to far more information than you head can process at this stage of your career.

Let us Take a more organized approach.

  1. Know your objectives – Analyse your website to understand where you organization has been heading. Talk to your colleagues and manager (especially you manager) to understand the expectations of the management. Usually it is either traffic,sales or conversions. Know which of these metrics do you need to maximize. Do not go maverick on things. Work with a team instead by developing a complimentary process to the existing one.
  2. Know your audience – Now that you know what you must do, let us come to where it must be done. Know your audience. Know where they are, how they communicate, how they think, how they behave, what do they like or dislike and the most important question – How do they define value. There are a plethora of tools that can help you gain insights to these questions. At the top of my head are “Google Analytics” and “Facebook analytics for websites”. Demographic and conversion reports of these tools give you more insights than numbers.
  3. Know your process: Too much information! I know. Take a deep breath and go and grab a coffee. Clear you mind and start talking. Talk to people inside your organization. Try to understand the business process that your organization follows. Talk to people from various departments. It would be a bonus if you have access to a customer’s point of view of the process. Note every detail and at the end, join the dots to grasp an absolute understanding of the process. Always remember this – Marketing is not just external, but is also an internal activity. Know the people that you work with as much as you would like to know your audience. That just might be the key of success to your whole strategy.
  4. Choose the best tools and practices : Now you may open google and type in keywords like “How to increase traffic on your website” or “How to generate leads from your website” or whatever your objective may be. This gives you the right direction to move into. The rest of the knowledge is over the internet. I would highly recommend all of the official google guides. You can also search for YouTube channel for “Measured School”. Moz google algorithm change-log among others. Also search for case studies that are similar to your objectives.

For any questions that come to your mind, feel free to contact me at or call me at 8800688671.

Best of luck.


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